Thursday, January 22, 2015

9 steps to manage manpower effectively

Managing manpower involves an innate understanding of different work and communication styles, as well as different personality types. A manager who cannot garner the respect of his workers runs the risk of receiving poor attitude and performance. Some time they are out of control and hire an agency supplying manpower services. So how to help managers to get control their workers?

Step 1: Smart Recruitment. 
Select the most appropriate forms of manpower for the project in question. This means reviewing work credentials, asking for references and following up with previous employers. Conduct in-person interviews to get a better sense of the applicant’s knowledge in the field, his work ethic and his personality.
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Step 2: Orient New Workers. 
To make sure that, new workers realize about the company, its products, services, policies, procedures; especially their role, their responsibilities and the expectations of the job, every new hire should have an orientation.
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Step 3: Organized Action Plan.
Create an organized action plan in which each worker knows his or her specific responsibilities for every project. Besides, an organized action plan lets manpower know which abilities complement need at work.
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Step 4: Full tools and resources.
Provide workers with all of the tools and resources they need to be successful and maintain safe working conditions at all times.
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Step 5: Develop goals and measurements.
As part of your operating plan, a goal will let manpower know where they have to come. If a problem arises, evaluate it immediately and take corrective action to rectify the situation.
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Step 6: Address conflict.
If there are problems among team members, conduct a conflict resolution session in which each person is able to air his or her grievances. Take the matter under consideration, reference corporate policy for addressing the issue at hand and follow up with the employees about how the issue will be rectified.
Remember that address conflict as soon as it arises.
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Step 7: Salary.
Make sure employees are paid in full and on time for services rendered.
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Step 8: Be Accessible to Workers.
To make sure that manpower can reach you if they have questions or concerns about their jobs or their coworkers.

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Step 9: Recognize & Reward
Recognize and reward superior levels of performance. This approach can motivate your manpower to perform at optimum levels and raise morale throughout the ranks.
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