Sunday, December 28, 2014

Never put yourself in others' position?

The moral is that everybody ultimately experiences the world the way he/she thinks of it. What may be wrong for one person, could be just the ultimate for another. One person’s manna dew is another man’s poison! The depth of our understanding totally depends on our way of thinking and experiences. We tend to press forward an argument, however hollow it may be. There can be drastically different    opinions of people on the same topic, and everyone goes around ranting one’s own philosophy.
Four blind men once visited the king. The king gifted them an elephant and asked them to describe what they sensed. The blind man standing near the tail thought the elephant to resemble a rope. The one near the leg felt the animal to be a tree trunk. The person standing near the trunk thought it to be a snake, and for the one facing his stomach, the mammal was like a thick wall. This being said, a heated argument broke out amongst the four of them.